The Snitch Board

Nov. 28, 2006

Ok, here's what you do. If you know of a neighbor or friend with horrible mess on their front lawn rat them out in the comments section of this page. A little bit of peer pressure should get their act together.


Anonymous said...

I always notice the BOX house on state street having tons of crap all over the lawn

Anonymous said...

Calling people out is a bad idea. I hope it works anyways though because I don't like the way the trash makes our campus look either.

Anonymous said...

Almost every house on greenwood needs to clean up their lawn. And btw, I think it's a great idea. People need to take responsibility for their actions.

Anonymous said...

I always see so much trash on the front lawn of 436 S. Division. Whoever lives there really needs to get their act together! It is so rude and makes our campus and students look so bad to visitors and residents of AA.